Prolog 6 Docu: “By the time…”

…see what I did now!

Prolog 6 docu image 01

By the time my mother almost died... #1

This is my work called: „By the time my mother almost died…“ (1m x 1m x 1,5m [paper: 21cm x 370cm], thermo-paper & fax-machine, 2010)for the series „Paper-Trails

This work deals with the paper-trail left when my mother suffered a life threatening heart condition and subsequent operation. In essence it presents a chronological collage of bills, maps, body scans etc. that shows the down to earth side of illness and death in our modern societies.

It has been shown @ Galerie Parterre during Prolog 6 from 27.08. – 28.08.2010.

Prolog 6 docu #2

By the time my mother almost died... #2

Prolog 6 docu 3

By the time my mother almost died... #3

By the time my mother almost died... #4

Prolog 6 docu 5

By the time my mother almost died... #5

It has been great fun and I want to expressively thank Anton Schwarzbach & Dorit Trebeljahr for their support and encouragement! You are „Ich-Giganten“ for sure 😉

I also want to thank Beate Höckner [color & types] for supporting me with a fax machine in times of need.