There are a lot of (semi-) professional porn actresses that stretch the limit of what can be done physically. Amazing Ty comes to mind, Dirty Garden Girl and Hot Kinky Jo as well as Belladonna & Audrey Hollander, furthermore Sheila Stretch and Taylor Rain… One of the most extreme case of body modification certainly is Roxy Raye. I believe she started out with 3 to 4 (now famous) clips she did on the floor of her kitchen…
dealing in pornography art it was a question of time I had to deal with her. As I still try to be SFW in my porn art (because it is not the obvious sexual aspect that interests me but the sexual meta layer) this is quiet a shy version of her. But it is a 2nd° glitch. Just cropped and sharpened, curves adjusted.
Still I feel the need to add this: I do not judge neither the producers nor the consumers of this kind or any other kind of pornography. This is not my point. I am interested in how pornography in combination with digital media change our perspective on our body, mind and soul. The depiction of the human body is always a clear indicator on how we view our world (to my mind at least). “roxy” is part of the glitch porn art series „Her_Face“. Read more about this series here >>