„Keep The Lights On“ by MK_ultra (official music video)

Feeling quiet creative at the moment, so here is my new music video clip for MK_ultra called „Keep The Lights On“.


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The source material was taken from within the Prelinger Archives, such a delightful source… must say I love Archive.Org. „Keep The Lights On“ is obviously a song about fear and isolation (recurring themes of my work altogether) and I believe it needs no further explanation…

I have allways been fascinated by pornography and what it says about the world we live in. These films (used in the clip) where produces ca. 1950/60 and there is a charm, an innocence to them, that can’t be found in modern day erotica. Like all and everything these days, sex (and the depiction of it) has become an industry and where there is industry, there can’t be beauty (IMHO).