New music video NSFW „Uncanny Valley“ by MK_ultra

This is my new music video clip for MK_ultra’s song „Uncanny Valley“. Beware, it is NSFW though not pornographic. It’s porn-art 😉


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I have to admit, I love the idea of resolution. As a technical boundary, as metaphor, as philosophical construct maybe… Resolution is the final frontier with the advent of 4K and all, yet that does not satisfy me at all. One of the last movies to move me was an old 16mm projection of Peter Joachim Holz’s movie “Motivbesichtigung. Ansichten zu Leben und Tod des Dichters Uwe Greßmann.”. It was just grainy handheld material; mostly shots of the city with a lyrical voiceover but it touched me deep inside… So I guess all technical achievement is no substitute for a good story or an interesting idea.

This is not my first attempt of derezzing pornographic material (as a symbol for the degradation of the female body and soul in modern day capitalism and such…), you can find more stuff if you dig around here… I call it porn-art.