KAISAR „Serbian Death Polka“ (official music video clip)

Well friends, let me take you to the dark side of eastern Europe propaganda folk. This is KAISAR’s new music video clip called „Serbian Death Polka“.


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Speaking of found footage, this really is a find. An old (Serbian?) VHS tape, mixed together porn (the nasty kind of) and a Serbian nationalist propaganda music video, I did not hesitate a spilt second. The song praises Radovan Karadžic whom, let me remind you, is responsible for tens of thousands of barbaric killings – if you like (and have a good day) try googleling Srebrenica, it will ruin that day for good, so be warned.
The musical track is provided by an Serbian polkaganda trio of unknown identity or status (maybe the crowd can clear that up) and reworked by KAISAR who are:

Klaus Killisch: guitar
Richard Sylvarnes: textures
Enkidu rankX: synthetics

This movie is not directed  against Serbs or Serbia – need I remind you the above mentioned Srebrenica massacre is as much Karadžic’s responsibility as well as it is the UN’s. If anything, this flick is about bad music in general and bad polka in particular – or rather nasty people doing nasty things enjoying themselves doing it.

"SrebrenicaMe" by Enkidu rankX

„SrebrenicaMe“ by Enkidu rankX