“Her_face” continued – a sad story

Danis last porn movie

This is a sad story indeed. The flick from which the original screenshot was taken is a very brutal piece of pornography. The ‚actress‘, Daniella Pratchet, did commit suicide the day after ‚performing‘ in this one. I don’t have any numbers to support that claim, but I read once that the suicide rate among porn actresses is significantly higher than average, which would come as no surprise to me, giving the degrading nature of many of the productions.

“Dani (her_face_011)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2958, 2016

“Dani (her_face_011)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2958, 2016

“Dani (her_face_011)” is part of the series “her_face dealing with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.