Archiv des Autors: Enkidu rankX

Über Enkidu rankX

Franco-German media artist Enkidu rankX [ınˈkiːdu ræŋk eks] was born 1972 in Saarbrücken / Germany. After his studies in Belgium he settled down in Berlin in 1996 where he is working and living up to this day. His work is comprised of video-art, glitch-art, installations and interaction with dance and theatre. “My art deals with issues such as relational miscommunication, the effect of technology on the human condition and the loss of identity that comes with the advent of virtualization an simulation.”

BGR.rad – Radio Play on actual Radio (air play)

UPDATE You can now listen to the whole show right here and now… enjoy

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Well my friends (and foes, if only I had some), the time has come and my Radio Play about radiation will finally art over actual radio waves on Friday the 15th of April. This seems fitting since it is about war (particularly in Ukraine), nuclear radiation, nuclear war and paranoia (proliferated over radio waves). And pardon me for playing Cassandra but the thing backdates to 2015, when I was just a fear mongering paranoic with too many drugs in my system. I would have preferred to remain wrong and crazy but it seems history has caught up with me and my reality and decided to become even crazier than I was back then.

Photo by Sulamith Sallmann: France, Normandy, Flamanville, August 2015

So happy listening to DJ Richard Sylvarnes and him donating his whole show to my play. It might have some uncomfortable side effects though, like hair loss, vomiting, disorientation, and a general despair and total loss of hope in humanity. Listener discretion is advised.

Me and my buddies on bandcam

Since I am to lazy and arrogant and can’t be bothered at least promoting my own stuff i have to instrumentalise others to do it for me. And so it is up to the real nice and sympathetic people of this world (looking at you Klaus Killisch) to do it for me. I would have loved to be better, more motivated and less of a misanthrope, but as the great philosopher Michael Philip Jagger once said: „You can’t always get what you want“. Welp, at least someone had pity on me and put those thigs on bandcamp. I would argue that their stuff is worth it (mine not so much) but you form your own opinion.

„in​/​ebriate“ by phaenos. Cover design by Klaus Killisch

So go and take a listen: phaenos @ bandcamp

Do it for their sake, not mine, and you might find some things that please or disturb your ears. And you can even buy the stuff there.

MK_ultra on Crookit Dreams Episode 47

I have had the great honor of being invited to Crookit Dreams Episode 47 – Klangfarbe (DJ Richard Sylvarnes with Klaus Killisch)

As always a great pleasure to deal with those two… Such interesting music too. Listen to it and get an idea of what good music and interesting sounds there are around once you leave the realm of mind-numbing mainstream musac.

What i’ve been up to – hint: my love of cinema(s)

OK, so I’ve been away for some time now. But i was busy writing, producing, directing and editing my passion project, so that’s that. And i has no English subs either (for now) so this is what you get (for now).


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This is the story of Germany’s oldest remaining family operated cinemas. Located in the south-west of a region called Saarland (Sarre), it has been in operation since 1919 and it was / is the movie theatre of my childhood (I grew up in that small village it is situated). Later when I studied cinema i went out into the world, first Brussels then Berlin, but I always left a tiny bit of my heart in that most magical of all places.

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This was the premiere of my documentary on the 100th anniversary of its first projection and just before the pandemic hit (them hard too). But Familie Müller kept going and pushed through these hard times like so many times before.

So if by any chance you get to Schmelz / Saar, go watch a movie in that wonderful place of flickering dreams and don’t forget to say hello for me.

Some local news:

out now // KaiSaR ./. but where is the audience .\.

update: find it here, buy it now… embrace the propaganda!

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the soviet empire cultural propaganda division is delighted to announce the release of the new 2 disc set titled “but where is the audience” by progressive state run electro acoustic orchestra KaiSaR. Long live Czar Dmitri III! the release will be broadcast nationwide on the international day of music (or as the decadent western media calls it „Fête de la Musique“) on June 21st 2019 [Gregorian calendar]

further propaganda material is to be found below

before the fuck (series) | block 7 & 8

“before the fuck”, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012 – ongoing

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
“before the fuck” is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‘the market’.

„before block 07“

„before block 08“

Oath of Stone Oak – Concert

Oath of Stone Oak – Concert with Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX

Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX in concert
Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX live @ Broken Dimanche Press

31. August 2018 – More information at Broken Dimanche Press

Oath of Stone Oak is a collaboration between poet Robert Fitterman and visual artist Theodore Darst. For the text, Oath of Stone Oak borrows fragments from metal song lyrics that refer to Nature. For the images, Darst employs a variety of digital collage production modes to amplify a similar vernacular of decay, nature, consumption and destruction. 

K|X live @ Galerie Forum Amalienpark, Berlin

Klaus Killisch & Enkidu rankX // HYBRID.set Station I

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith Sallmann

Klaus Killisch about HYBRID >>

Sulamith Sallmann about HYBRID >>

Klaus Killisch and I performed audio-visually @ Galerie Forum Amalienpark, Berlin on Friday, 18th of may. We where hosted by the exhibition

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith

HYBRID – Collage, Montage, Installation >>
Jens Becker, Annette Gundermann, Matthias Heidenrreich, Thomas Hirschler, Sibylle Hoessler, Klaus Killisch, Liz Mields-Kratochwil, Regina Müller-Huschke, Jutta Scheiner, Kaja Witt

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith

KaiSaR and kickin – electrorococo the Remise

KSR, the emperor of artist bands is alive and kickin‘ beats again. The regal music session was hosted by Klaus Killisch in his Studio Remise in Berlin… stay tune for musical results on this channel soon.

3 artists making music

Klaus Killisch, Enkidu rankX & Richard Sylvarnes @ Studio Remise Berlin (photo: Klaus Killisch)


Klaus Killisch: guitar & space
Richard Sylvarnes: textures and beats
Enkidu rankX: synthetics and rhythm

As part of KAISAR some of my (our) work was be shown in Brooklyn

video art by KAISAR and Enkidu rankX shown in Brooklyn

„Serbian Death Polka“ screening in Brooklyn 2016

Cat on a Cool Metal Cieling

Kilroy Metal Ceiling (facebook)
283 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn 11238
14th of July (how fitting for a semi French artist-e) 2016


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„Identity“ I-III – new xerography

Identification, the service of identifying, certifying Identity that is, remains one of the fiercest battles being fought within this modern day internet. As Google, facebook, Yahoo, Apple and others strive to collect this prize, this Holy Grail, this remedy for that dangerous sickness that is anonymity, they use all the dirty tricks within the repertoire of modern day market street fight. Anonymity was one of the strongest arguments for and one of the most powerful motors of the evolution of modern means of communication. And it has always been a thorn in the side of potentates, structures and autocratic systems. Anonymity is the sworn enemy of power and the natural ally of freedom. And as our features are being scanned and stored in databases, correlated with our habits, needs and darkest secrets, we may loose a quintessential feature of our humanity, our real identity as humans, what Martin Luther meant when he wrote his famous song “Die Gedanken sind frei”:

“Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!”

photo copy art

“Rot.Freq – for Hedy Lamarr (Identity III)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“An eye for an ID (Identity II)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“Handshake (Identity I)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

As Elizabeth I. of England famously put it, she had no “…desire to make windows into men’s souls”; well now we do.