Archiv der Kategorie: cooperation

Dont let yourself be fooled…

I am quiet busy with my project / exhibition. Now is the time to swing the public relational hammer indeed! So be prepared to be massively advertised and properly informed about Da Product.


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Now is the time to poor in monney and support and help this WONDERFUL artwrk of MINE to live 😉

Nexus: Kult | Markt | Kunst


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Sprecher: Bernd Rosner, Philosoph
Sabine Herrmann & Klaus Killisch, Künstler

Ein Hörspiel von Enkidu rankX
Musik & Sounds: MK Ultra

Thomas Morus: Utopia
Die Apokalypse des Johannes
Das Buch Kohelet
Dante: Die Göttliche Komödie
Zu finden auf

Produktion: Einheit 7
anlässlich der Ausstellung Apokalypse | Utopie
Galerie Pankow: 28.11.2012 — 20.01.2013

5 Degrees Of Separation – Premiere @ Pottporus Festival

5 Degrees Of Separation by KooneCompany

Weitere Bilder und Infos zur Premiere hier >>

„As KooneCompany was chosen by the Goethe Institut Montreal for their Dance Residency Programm in summer 2011, we created the 1 hour length piece: „5 Degrees Of Separation“ .
After the good work in Montreal we take the next step and show the premiere of the piece on the 3rd of november in Herne at the Kulturzentrum Herne… The premiere will be part of the well known „Pottporus Festival“ initiated by Pottporus e.V. / Renegade Theatre .“


Und hier das ursprüngliche Konzept von uns >>

post privacy art #1


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„m4usism4us“, video-art / installation [pd/GEM], 2011

The video installation „m4usism4us“ is about ones image & self definition in the realm of interactive mass media. It is based on a PureData [pd] / GEM installation and is slightly retreated.
Tnx 2 m4usism4us 4 being herself
music: MK_ultra


ARTE about post privacy art >>


glitch tree

Baum am See

„Baum am See“, glitch – 4th grade (by use of ASDFPixelSort)
(original photo by Günther Leyendecker), 4500 x 6000 px, 2013

„Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura,
ché la diritta via era smarrita.“

Dante Alighieri – Divina Commedia / Inferno / Canto 1

happy childhood days

shopping for our lives

“Spielecke” (playground area for kids), glitch - 3rd grade, 3026x 2219px, 2013

“Spielecke” (playground area for kids), glitch – 3rd grade, 3026x 2219px, 2013

The original picture was photographed at a shopping mall (Rathaus-Center Pankow) in Berlin. This empty playground area says it all for me: here you can store your kids whilst going shopping, the cold solitude of modern day consumerism, the emptiness of our post-modern world starts to take its toll. Soon it will fill ours heats and minds, leaving a gaping void that cannot be filled with goods any more… So let us shop while we still can.