Archiv der Kategorie: digital art

BGR.rad – Radio Play on actual Radio (air play)

UPDATE You can now listen to the whole show right here and now… enjoy

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Well my friends (and foes, if only I had some), the time has come and my Radio Play about radiation will finally art over actual radio waves on Friday the 15th of April. This seems fitting since it is about war (particularly in Ukraine), nuclear radiation, nuclear war and paranoia (proliferated over radio waves). And pardon me for playing Cassandra but the thing backdates to 2015, when I was just a fear mongering paranoic with too many drugs in my system. I would have preferred to remain wrong and crazy but it seems history has caught up with me and my reality and decided to become even crazier than I was back then.

Photo by Sulamith Sallmann: France, Normandy, Flamanville, August 2015

So happy listening to DJ Richard Sylvarnes and him donating his whole show to my play. It might have some uncomfortable side effects though, like hair loss, vomiting, disorientation, and a general despair and total loss of hope in humanity. Listener discretion is advised.

KaiSaR and kickin – electrorococo the Remise

KSR, the emperor of artist bands is alive and kickin‘ beats again. The regal music session was hosted by Klaus Killisch in his Studio Remise in Berlin… stay tune for musical results on this channel soon.

3 artists making music

Klaus Killisch, Enkidu rankX & Richard Sylvarnes @ Studio Remise Berlin (photo: Klaus Killisch)


Klaus Killisch: guitar & space
Richard Sylvarnes: textures and beats
Enkidu rankX: synthetics and rhythm

As part of KAISAR some of my (our) work was be shown in Brooklyn

video art by KAISAR and Enkidu rankX shown in Brooklyn

„Serbian Death Polka“ screening in Brooklyn 2016

Cat on a Cool Metal Cieling

Kilroy Metal Ceiling (facebook)
283 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn 11238
14th of July (how fitting for a semi French artist-e) 2016


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„Identity“ I-III – new xerography

Identification, the service of identifying, certifying Identity that is, remains one of the fiercest battles being fought within this modern day internet. As Google, facebook, Yahoo, Apple and others strive to collect this prize, this Holy Grail, this remedy for that dangerous sickness that is anonymity, they use all the dirty tricks within the repertoire of modern day market street fight. Anonymity was one of the strongest arguments for and one of the most powerful motors of the evolution of modern means of communication. And it has always been a thorn in the side of potentates, structures and autocratic systems. Anonymity is the sworn enemy of power and the natural ally of freedom. And as our features are being scanned and stored in databases, correlated with our habits, needs and darkest secrets, we may loose a quintessential feature of our humanity, our real identity as humans, what Martin Luther meant when he wrote his famous song “Die Gedanken sind frei”:

“Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!”

photo copy art

“Rot.Freq – for Hedy Lamarr (Identity III)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“An eye for an ID (Identity II)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“Handshake (Identity I)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

As Elizabeth I. of England famously put it, she had no “…desire to make windows into men’s souls”; well now we do.

Gruppenausstellung / Exhibition | Neue Arbeit – New Work

20 Jahre Kunst in der Krankenhauskirche im Wuhlgarten 1997 – 2017

photo copy art

„Tempus Fugit“ I, xerography, 2016, 29,7 x 42 cm

Jubiläumsausstellung mit Arbeiten von

Marguerite Blume-Cárdenas, Andrea Engelmann, Enkidu rankX, Sighard Gille, Karin Gralki, Christiane Grosz, Karl Hartwig, Achim Kühn, Robert Metzkes, Antje Pehle, Friedrich Porsdorf, Barbara Putbrese, Grit Sauerborn, Jeannette Schäfer-Jaschik, Jochen Schneider, Wilfried Schreiber, Jens Steinberg, Regina Stender, Cornelia Thielemann, Ehrhard Thoms, Karin Tiefensee, Siegfried Völker, Helge Warme

Eröffnung: 08. September 2017 um 19 Uhr

Krankenhauskirche im Wuhlgarten
Brebacher Weg 15, 12683 Berlin

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“her_face” continued – a sad story II

Amber Rayne was a no limits girl / woman in all respects. In her short life she became a porn star (as actor, producer and director), a drug addict, a rape victim and a cancer survivor (of 2 types mind you).  Born in 1984, she acted in 472 flicks and after finally making it to the big screen died 2015 of an accidental drug overdose through the consumption of a combination of cocaine and alcohol.

Amber_HF_013 porn art

“Amber (her_face_013)”, glitch 4rd°, 1200x881px, 2017

“Amber (her_face_013)” is part of the series “her_face dealing with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.

“Her_face” continued – TP

She gazes at us, out of the abyss of unlimited data and infinite transmissions, begs the question: „do you want me“? Who is me, who is you, we are all anonymous animals, let loose beasts, monsters that linger in the realm of self devotion, pure ego – „do you want yourself“ should be the proper question…

“TP (her_face_012)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2777, 2017

“TP (her_face_012)” is part of the series “her_face dealing with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.

Exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin

I am happy to invite you to my next exhibition / participation: „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin, opening Tuesday 21st of March 2017

invitation to exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ in Berlin

Invitation / Einladung „Wertegemeinschaft“ [PDF]

Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung


am Dienstag, den 21. März 2017 um 19 Uhr
laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.


Frank Mückisch – Stadtrat für Bildung, Kultur, Sport und Soziales
Doris Fürstenberg – Leiterin des Fachbereichs Kultur


Jennifer Graubener – wissenschaftliche Volontärin der Schwartzschen Villa
Adam Gusowski, Club der Polnischen Versager – Satirische Anmerkungen zur Wertegemeinschaft

Galerie Schwartzsche Villa
Grunewaldstraße 55
12165 Berlin-Steglitz
Geöffnet 22. März bis 11. Juni 2017
Di-So 10-18 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Filmvorführung Dienstag, 16. Mai, 19 Uhr
„Beyond Boundaries – Brezmejno“
Der Regisseur Peter Zach ist anwesend.
Eintritt: 5 € (3 €)

Führungen Mittwoch, 29. März, 26. April und 17. Mai
jeweils 17 Uhr, Eintritt frei

Heike Franziska Bartsch | Sibylle Brühn | Ulrich Buge | Aenne Burghardt | Tobias Deicke | Ines Doleschal | Ola Eibl | Enkidu rankX | Karin Felbermayr | Nuria García García | Wolf Klein | Karoline Koeppel | Rachel Kohn | Kopi Kaputa | Regine Kuschke | Thomas Lucker | Christoph Medicus | Aaron Rahe | Ute Richter | Ingeborg Sambeth | Michi Schneider | Hans-Christian Tappe | Jürgen Tenz | Frans van Tartwijk | Maria Vill & David Mannstein | Insa Wagner | Horst Zeitler | Martin Zellerhoff | Juliane Zelwies

Inaugurating „King Dumb“ – a throwback to the eighties

SAR „King Dumb“ music video

Usually I don’t do this; I upload only my own stuff. But this was simply too good. This is a 1984 video by an obscure band called SAR (synthetic aperture radar), don’t know where from and I only know this song. I had this one on cassette tape for quiet a long time and stumbled upon this video, don’t know if it’s official, but in hindsight, this one is quiet amazing. I let you be the judge on their new wavy post punk music, but the lyrics (don’t really understand them all, the singer seems to have caught a sniff) are quiet revelatory. So enjoy this prescient piece of underground pop and soon some more of my own.

And on the Jan 20th, 2017: All hail King Dumb!


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“Her_face” continued – a sad story

Danis last porn movie

This is a sad story indeed. The flick from which the original screenshot was taken is a very brutal piece of pornography. The ‚actress‘, Daniella Pratchet, did commit suicide the day after ‚performing‘ in this one. I don’t have any numbers to support that claim, but I read once that the suicide rate among porn actresses is significantly higher than average, which would come as no surprise to me, giving the degrading nature of many of the productions.

“Dani (her_face_011)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2958, 2016

“Dani (her_face_011)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2958, 2016

“Dani (her_face_011)” is part of the series “her_face dealing with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.

New material on the way: Series „Her_face“ continued

New porn art work is on its way, mostly SFW

I have been working on some new stuff for my series „her_face“. “her_face” is a series of glitch art prints that deal with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography. I guess in these works, the definition of glitch is very much stressed, but man, do I care… I am over the shit storms and endless discussion of what glitch art is or isn’t, the community seems quiet ideological, almost religiously fervent…

“sister (her_face_010)”, glitch 4th°, 1741x2109, 2016

“sister (her_face_010)”, glitch 4th°, 1741×2109, 2016

If you believe porn sites descriptions and titles, almost everybody is involved in incest. On some pages, 3/4 of the material is labelled as such. So I wanted to pay homage to this phenomenon by naming this piece „sister“ – the video was titled brother does sister or something like this. I love the way she does the exorcist trick with her eyes and everything is in place, the running TV, posters in the back, last not least her ‚brother‘ behind her… pure fascination. I had to do this one, don’t hold it against me.