X|>>: Ok, so facebook is the weak li… http://www.Enkidu-rankX.de/2010/05/02/ok-so-facebook-is-the-week-li/
Archiv der Kategorie: digital art
I was thinking: is there a way…
I was thinking: is there a way to create an endless feedbackloop between wordpress, facebook and twitter. That would qualify as digital art!
Some spam poetry
found that my comment board today:
Sound Absolutely,without display there repeat estate mark bit roof rapidly – attack attack
city view happen income cry great mark should explore necessary ignore – if people produce means
press sorry tape success secure – much market idea fail her night much yesterday
break thought human fall – competition interview limit battle general
can true means few charge believe back society suggest member
knowledge give represent channel twice important exist lip previously
various remember walk display – severe yet enjoy again hair
memory nobody answer loss floor contribute
It’s spam – of course, but isn’t that beautiful?
Look, there is a lot more here: http://www.spampoetry.org/
And as we go…
…there’s one more:
Still Boston. Kinda seem to like this place…
Digital Print, 120cm across
You’ll find more on the matter oh this page >>
That’s a reblog
but who gives a s…
This is one of a series of works I did but only published on Tumblr. These are about 120cm large and I will repost more of the in the days to come.
You’ll find more on the matter oh this page >>
This btw is Boston re-re-rendered and it is about 120cm large. So it needs a huge frame 😉
Neues aus der Katastrophen-Plastik-Welt
Ein weiteres Bild aus meiner Serie „catastrophe“: Ambu_01. 3D-Rendering, 2008. Klick für größere Version.