Archiv der Kategorie: digital art


In wake of #Germanwings flight #4U9525 crash I was baffled, as many, with the way modern day mass media dealt with the issue of depicting something that is not depictable. Besides the crash site in those remote mountains there is actually nothing to see. This catastrophe happens inside our heads, with no means for us to exorcise it by means of monotonous repetition of images as seen during 9/11. Here, we just have a result but no actual event. Even more so, that the main switch was flicked inside the brain of the 2nd pilot. There is no way whatsoever we will get inside his or any other human brain for that matter. This will always remain a mystery.

anonymise me I

anonymise me I (2015)

anonymise me I

anonymise me II (2015)

anonymise me III

anonymise me III (2015)

A clear need seems to be to show the man’s face, as if it could help us to understand his motives, his personality, his soul. Yet in some cases journalistic requirements breed strange results. How to show someone without showing him…

twitter based call to action for net art


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You can participate in my new piece of art. Add your input via Twitter or facebook or commentary section. Thank you for participating. The Result will be an open source net art piece, to be shown here and in an exhibition in Berlin later this year.


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some of my Berlin and beyond photography on Instagram

Hey there. I wanted to share with you some of the results from my roaming through Berlin and the world. All pictures here where taken with a shitty smart phone, as part of the concept 😉 Also, I locate my pictures not very precisely, only by the nearest public transport access point for example. So don’t go looking in that particular street for this particular motive since it might be 100m+ away.

cats (DOGS X)

Nearing the end of DOGS. Or am I..? A partial victory at the very least!


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cats (DOGS X)“ is the tenth part of a series of video-art shorts called DOGS specially dealing in relational miscommunication and the effect of technology on the human condition in general. The title DOGS refers to our animal instincts and emotions that, when suppressed, tend to erupt in an uncontrolled fashion. This again often results in violence, hatred and misanthropy / misogyny. The series tries to uncover what should remain hidden – those things we better not say or show…
cats“ deals with the symbolic dimension of the cat and the dog. These two animals have one of the highest density of association when it comes to gender and sexuality in particular, to the human in general. They can symbolize what we want, long and yearn for as well as the things we despise. Also they are those type of tamed animal that owes its very existence to its human counterpart, we have had a parallel evolution and it is yet open to discussion who tamed whom. Isn’t this also a very common question among couples?
Also: something with cats! Let us say this is my comment on the phenomenon ‚felis catus interrete‘; such an ubiquitous neophyte.


driving through Berlin at night

I love shooting video and photos from a driving street car. This is not only about the protection (from the elements and angry subjects) but also about motion, speed, time and the notion of being inside on the outside.

Vinetastraße, Tankstelle, Berlin 20.02.2015

Vinetastraße, Tankstelle, Berlin 20.02.2015

Over the years I have been doing a lot of work implying this fascination and I want to point out the short „inside/outside (DOGS VIII)”  which directly deals with the above mentioned ideas…

Much of my „work in motion“ and my Berlin roaming can also bee see on my Instagram Feed

discovering 4chan – at last (a net artists paradise)

You gonna laugh so hard at me but I just recently discovered 4chan. And it is a paradise for a net artists like me… So I went ahead and did this as a declaration of love to the hyper post-privacy dungeon that is 4chan. I think I am going to spend more time there, since Horus (i.e. the 12 year old mostly white and wealthy male tyrant) lives there and it is he who rules the world (according to some whose name where erased form the public board but not the meme bank).


„3x4chan – Horus pit 001“ glicth 4th°, 2014

Living near Prenzlauer Berg here in Berlin – the chique part of that town – I can assure you it is true. Horus is rising and it is not a good thing, to my mind at least. But who cares, as long as he can be trapped so easily… He is after all just a child – a very powerful one though.

Ferguson at war (at least with the media)

Seeing the situation in Ferguson from a safe distance, it looks like a war. But that is what our (German) media is transporting. Rage, anger, hate, violence, black people. The connection is all so simple. Of course This time the message is: „…right now coloured people are justified (in a sense) in being angry and violent.“ But the underlying message remains: „…coloured people are being angry and violent.“ Then again mass media has never been so good in identifying subtle differences or the complexity of the real world. It is a unifying medium….

glitching Roxy Raye – cubist pointillistic art porn

There are a lot of (semi-) professional porn actresses that stretch the limit of what can be done physically. Amazing Ty comes to mind, Dirty Garden Girl and Hot Kinky Jo as well as Belladonna & Audrey Hollander, furthermore Sheila Stretch and Taylor Rain… One of the most extreme case of body modification certainly is Roxy Raye. I believe she started out with 3 to 4 (now famous) clips she did on the floor of her kitchen…
dealing in pornography art it was a question of time I had to deal with her. As I still try to be SFW in my porn art (because it is not the obvious sexual aspect that interests me but the sexual meta layer) this is quiet a shy version of her. But it is a 2nd° glitch. Just cropped and sharpened, curves adjusted.

roxy (her_face_008)

“roxy (her_face_008)”, glitch 2nd°, 800x1034x, 2014

Still I feel the need to add this: I do not judge neither the producers nor the consumers of this kind or any other kind of pornography. This is not my point. I am interested in how pornography in combination with digital media change our perspective on our body, mind and soul. The depiction of the human body is always a clear indicator on how we view our world (to my mind at least). “roxy” is part of the glitch porn art series „Her_Face“. Read more about this series here >>