Archiv der Kategorie: general

out now // KaiSaR ./. but where is the audience .\.

update: find it here, buy it now… embrace the propaganda!

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the soviet empire cultural propaganda division is delighted to announce the release of the new 2 disc set titled “but where is the audience” by progressive state run electro acoustic orchestra KaiSaR. Long live Czar Dmitri III! the release will be broadcast nationwide on the international day of music (or as the decadent western media calls it „Fête de la Musique“) on June 21st 2019 [Gregorian calendar]

further propaganda material is to be found below

before the fuck (series) | block 7 & 8

“before the fuck”, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012 – ongoing

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
“before the fuck” is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‘the market’.

„before block 07“

„before block 08“

Oath of Stone Oak – Concert

Oath of Stone Oak – Concert with Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX

Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX in concert
Robert Fitterman, Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX live @ Broken Dimanche Press

31. August 2018 – More information at Broken Dimanche Press

Oath of Stone Oak is a collaboration between poet Robert Fitterman and visual artist Theodore Darst. For the text, Oath of Stone Oak borrows fragments from metal song lyrics that refer to Nature. For the images, Darst employs a variety of digital collage production modes to amplify a similar vernacular of decay, nature, consumption and destruction. 

K|X live @ Galerie Forum Amalienpark, Berlin

Klaus Killisch & Enkidu rankX // HYBRID.set Station I

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith Sallmann

Klaus Killisch about HYBRID >>

Sulamith Sallmann about HYBRID >>

Klaus Killisch and I performed audio-visually @ Galerie Forum Amalienpark, Berlin on Friday, 18th of may. We where hosted by the exhibition

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith

HYBRID – Collage, Montage, Installation >>
Jens Becker, Annette Gundermann, Matthias Heidenrreich, Thomas Hirschler, Sibylle Hoessler, Klaus Killisch, Liz Mields-Kratochwil, Regina Müller-Huschke, Jutta Scheiner, Kaja Witt

musician at a concert
Berlin-Pankow, Galerie am Amalienpark – Mai 2018 photo © Sulamith

Exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin

I am happy to invite you to my next exhibition / participation: „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin, opening Tuesday 21st of March 2017

invitation to exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ in Berlin

Invitation / Einladung „Wertegemeinschaft“ [PDF]

Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung


am Dienstag, den 21. März 2017 um 19 Uhr
laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.


Frank Mückisch – Stadtrat für Bildung, Kultur, Sport und Soziales
Doris Fürstenberg – Leiterin des Fachbereichs Kultur


Jennifer Graubener – wissenschaftliche Volontärin der Schwartzschen Villa
Adam Gusowski, Club der Polnischen Versager – Satirische Anmerkungen zur Wertegemeinschaft

Galerie Schwartzsche Villa
Grunewaldstraße 55
12165 Berlin-Steglitz
Geöffnet 22. März bis 11. Juni 2017
Di-So 10-18 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Filmvorführung Dienstag, 16. Mai, 19 Uhr
„Beyond Boundaries – Brezmejno“
Der Regisseur Peter Zach ist anwesend.
Eintritt: 5 € (3 €)

Führungen Mittwoch, 29. März, 26. April und 17. Mai
jeweils 17 Uhr, Eintritt frei

Heike Franziska Bartsch | Sibylle Brühn | Ulrich Buge | Aenne Burghardt | Tobias Deicke | Ines Doleschal | Ola Eibl | Enkidu rankX | Karin Felbermayr | Nuria García García | Wolf Klein | Karoline Koeppel | Rachel Kohn | Kopi Kaputa | Regine Kuschke | Thomas Lucker | Christoph Medicus | Aaron Rahe | Ute Richter | Ingeborg Sambeth | Michi Schneider | Hans-Christian Tappe | Jürgen Tenz | Frans van Tartwijk | Maria Vill & David Mannstein | Insa Wagner | Horst Zeitler | Martin Zellerhoff | Juliane Zelwies

„Tempus Fugit“ I-III – new xerography

Since very early on I love xerographies. The grain produced by a FAX or copy machine is just beautiful, sensual to me. Besides evoking a certain Lo-fi punk aesthetic, it still is a tool fitting our age of uninhibited reproduction and copying. What is serial, what a series, what unique, what a multiple, these questions arise instantly when dealing with FAX or copy art.

The following series called „Tempus Fugit“ (actually a triptych) deals with issues of time through the evocation of past, present and future. But what are these categories, what do they mean to us limited beings, do they even exist beyond our imagination? I have no answer to that.

photo copy art photo copy art photo copy art

„Tempus Fugit“ I, II & III, xerography, 2016,  29,7 x 42 cm

PS: I made a quick and dirty piece of music to go along 😉

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„black float“ by K|X – new music video clip

A retro-punk-glitch-art music video clip by Killisch and rankX


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black float

black float” is a collaboration, a back and forth between Berlin artists Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX.
Starting with a guitar track provided by Killisch, rankX built a beat around it, resampled and restructured it. Then this same process began anew. Killisch would play additional guitar on the track, X would resample and rearrange. Finally with the finished track in mind, K provided a painting / collage that in turn was the aesthetical basis for the video-clip. As opposed to the music, the visual art remained separate, more to be seen as both sides of a mirror.
The city of London was chose for a very particular reason, since K. K. as well as r.X draw a great deal of inspiration from pop music, more precisely the era of classic rock-pop-blues-funk-soul-electronic-avant-garde. So to honour this vibrant city and all the creative greatness it bestowed upon us, here is:

black float by K|X

"black float" by Klaus Killisch

„black float“ by Klaus Killisch

painting | collage | guitar: Klaus Killisch
video-art | electronics: Enkidu rankX

„black float“ features „Real-time Cycle Ride Through Central London“ by Nick Lansley und CC-BY. Thanks for that perfect ride.
london landscape tv –

CC by-nc-sa 2016 |

workin‘ again

Paper, acrylic, pigments and ink. My favourites…

Artist in action

Berlin-Wedding, Juli 2015 © Sulamith Sallmann

Artist in action

Berlin-Wedding, Juli 2015 © Sulamith Sallmann

some of my Berlin and beyond photography on Instagram

Hey there. I wanted to share with you some of the results from my roaming through Berlin and the world. All pictures here where taken with a shitty smart phone, as part of the concept 😉 Also, I locate my pictures not very precisely, only by the nearest public transport access point for example. So don’t go looking in that particular street for this particular motive since it might be 100m+ away.