Archiv der Kategorie: general


the „DOGS“ series II: „Whose side are you on?

Whose side are you on? from Enkidu rankX on Vimeo.

thnx to Yola 2.
Parental guidance suggested!

„Whose side are you on?“ supposes a couple having sex, deeply disliking each other. Both have grown tired of their respective attitudes towards their relationship and deeply distrust one another. But subsequently, they fail in telling the other about their feelings and needs and stay frozen in a state of hate and disgust.

It is the second film of a series specially dealing in relational miscommunication called “DOGS”. Part one of the series is called “Her Dog” and is available on this site.

The film sample is taken from Larry Cohen 1972 Blaxploitation milestone Black Caesar starring Fred Williamson and Gloria Hendry. I filmed it off a monitor, then re-treated it in PureData [pd] and GEM.

The Song “Whose side are you on?” by MK_ultra is featuring Yola Icho as “her” and Enkidu rankX as “him”.

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Art is a weapon

wash your karma

Art is a weapon,

a weapon for creating comfort,

or tearing down the walls of acquired habits,

it is the weapon we use in a war WITH the society.

der neue Prolog Fünfeinhalb

Prolog 5.5 HeftDer neue Prolog zum Thema „WAS IHR WOLLT“ ist da. Die Nummer 5,5 ist ab sofort zu bestellen unter heftfuerzeichnungundtext [at] yahoo [dot] de .

Drinnen Texte und Zeichnungen die das Aug‘ & Hirn erfreuen…

Für fünf Euro senden wir Ihnen das Heft innerhalb Deutschlands nach Hause.

Mit fünf Schritten kommen Sie zu Ihrem Heft

  1. Mailen an heftfuerzeichnungundtext [at] yahoo [dot] de, ICH WILL den neuen Prolog (Postadresse mit senden),
  2. Kontodaten erhalten,
  3. bezahlen,
  4. den realen Briefkasten putzen und jeden Postboten freundlich grüßen, denn er könnte Ihr Heft dabei haben,
  5. Umschlag öffnen und Heft erhalten.

Prolog erscheint seit 2007 halbjährlich und wird herausgegeben von Anton Schwarzbach. Prolog 5,5 hat eine Auflage von 300 Stück.

Some spam poetry

found that my comment board today:

Sound Absolutely,without display there repeat estate mark bit roof rapidly – attack attack

city view happen income cry great mark should explore necessary ignore – if people produce means

press sorry tape success secure – much market idea fail her night much yesterday

break thought human fall – competition interview limit battle general

can true means few charge believe back society suggest member

knowledge give represent channel twice important exist lip previously

various remember walk display – severe yet enjoy again hair

memory nobody answer loss floor contribute

It’s spam – of course, but isn’t that beautiful?

Look, there is a lot more here:

Prolog 5.5

You are all cordially invited to the following party and location:

X • • • ?(*)• • • • ß ≈ ° • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •


Prolog 5.5

Am Donnerstag, dem 22. April 2010 erscheint der Prolog Nr. 5 ½ im „ausland“ – Lychener Straße 60, 10437 Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg

  • Beginn: 18 Uhr, ab 20:10 Uhr Lesung / Performance

Wir laden Sie aus diesem Anlass herzlich ein zur Vorstellung des neuen Heftes für Zeichnung und Text mit einer Fünfeinhalbstundenausstellung, Lesung, Performance und Spendenschnaps.

S-Bhf. + U-Bhf. Schönhauser Allee
S-Bhf. Prenzlauer Allee, Tram Linie 12 Station Stargarder Straße

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Old stuff yet new

the scientists of pop
the scientists of pop

I finally had the spare time to cleanly upload the BERLIN.electronics series to Listening to the stuff right now, I have to admit that some of it is shamefully naive (and sound wise quite mushy). But some songs, I can still relate to them. So if you wanna dwell musically in that past decade of ours: enjoy…

This is the Link >>

And if you havn’t got enough with the music, here’s some to remember in pictures >>

new text stuff

text headerSorry this is only news for my German friends: I have added some text on this page. More will follow soon. The concept of „And what happens after…“ has an English translation though. More will follow soon…

Auf dieser Seite gibt es jetzt auch was zu lesen: Konzepte, Kommentare, Essays. Feedback ist ausdrücklich erwünscht 😉

PS.: There is more English stuff in there new; check it out…