Here we go: exhibition „Apokalypse | Utopie“ (apocalypse | utopia)
all © – the respective artists / VG-Bildkunst – photos Enkidu rankX
Exhibition @ Galerie Pankow, Breite Straße 8, 13187 Berlin | 28. Nov. 2012 – 20. Jan. 2013
Here we go: exhibition „Apokalypse | Utopie“ (apocalypse | utopia)
all © – the respective artists / VG-Bildkunst – photos Enkidu rankX
Exhibition @ Galerie Pankow, Breite Straße 8, 13187 Berlin | 28. Nov. 2012 – 20. Jan. 2013
Malerei, Zeichnung, Fotografie, Installation und Video
Ausstellung vom 28.11.12 – 20.01.13
Konzert am 27.11.2012: 25.801 Boettger, Eriksson, Groeszer, Killisch, Kühn, rankX
Beteiligte Künstler: Theo Boettger, Ulu Braun, Alke Brinkmann, Stefanie Busch, Christoph Draeger, Mikael Eriksson / Nastasja Keller, Niklas Goldbach, Marc Groeszer, Gregor Hildebrandt, Lisa Junghanss, Klaus Killisch, François Martig, Oliver Pietsch, Christian Niccoli, Enkidu rankX, Joachim Richau, Jenny Rosemeyer, Moritz Schleime, Suzanne Treister, Brigitte Waldach, Eva Wilde
Galerie Pankow – Breite Straße 8, 13187 Berlin
Seit frühchristlicher Zeit begleiten in der abendländischen Welt Szenarien vom Ende der Welt und dem sich anschließenden neuen Reich die Vorstellungen vom menschlichen Dasein. Wesentliche Inspirationsquelle war hierfür die Offenbarung des Johannes.
Weltuntergangsphantasien und ihre bildlichen Darstellungen waren in allen geschichtlichen und kunstgeschichtlichen Perioden aber auch Metaphern, die aus aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Zuständen heraus genährt wurden. Darin wurden Ängste artikuliert und in Bilder gebannt, es wurden aber auch Zukunftsvisionen entwickelt. (…weiterlesen)
„MK_ultra us the solo musical output of prolific, Berlin-based Franco-German audiovisual artist Enkidu rankX (born 1972 in Saarbrücken).
Enkidu has an extensive curriculum in the field of visual arts as well as music, exhibitions and performances.
Graduated from IAD Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Belgium in 1996, Enkidu has been involved with artists networking organizations such as Einheit_7 e.V. as well as visual exhibitions such as the „Tiefergelegt“ exhibition at the Weekendagllery Berlin in 2002 and the multimedia performance „CONSUME!“ at the Simultanhalle Köln.
In 2000, Enkidu co-founded his first musical output Mr. & Mrs. T. They self-released 4 Albums until 2006.
With MK_ultra, Enkidu explores the possibilities of Glitch music as an extension from his already extensive body of work in Glitch visual art.“
taken from Subspine Records, tnx to DoDD
„Subspine Records breaks the hiatus with the newest release by German Glitch/IDM project MK_ULTRA, MIND THE GAP [SR-051]
We are accepting submissions again and our long overdue release for this year is a fierce 15 track album that presents the erratic aesthetics of Glitch music with minimal techno rhythms.
Listen and download [SR-051] at and don’t forget to share it with your friends!
Spread the word we appreciate the support!“
I present to you: MK_ultra: „MIND THE GAP“
Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Inhalt von zu laden.
Producing this album was a pain and a bliss at the same time, and you can hear that, I believe. It took me 3 years. Parts of it where recorded in Poland just before a very intense time in my life and it seems this album reflects these very trying experiences I had thereafter. Initially thought of as a 2nd part to the antecedent album-maxi-ep “The Rift” it more and more turned into something more conceptual. It became a story, a dark fairytale and it is supposed to be listened to in one go, as an album – old school. And even if its mood is often grim, it tries to get to a point of peaceful acceptance of the beauty of our existence – it has a very simple message I guess: “Things will not last forever, so do not waste your time and energy.”
I want to thank adamned.age, Thomas, Yola & Thiemo for helping making this possible, and I dedicate “to Kate” to Katja Becker, “lost at sea” to Yola Icho and “this mans story” to myself and all people who dare to make mistakes in their lives. Mostly I thank Sulamith, whom I love, for her beautiful pictures and her patience.
Wurde spontan eingeladen hier zu sprechen… Wer Lust hat möge kommen 😉
Have been invited to speak here… come over if you like…
Pro qm Berlin – 19. März 2012 – 20:30
What Can Art Do For Real Politics?
more Infos >>
Discussion with Reinhard Braun (Camera Austria International), Occupy Berlin (Enkidu rankX, Rachel Clarke), Artur Zmijewski and Joanna Warsza (curators of the 7th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art). Moderation: Axel John Wieder
„Where is politics today? Is it where people are collectively manifesting their disenchantment with the structures of authority and the political class? And where they are beginning to create a politics of their very own? … Can art really function and can it substantially change reality? What is its actual effect?“
hier einige neue Artikel und Essays der letzten Tage:
Gespart werden kann immer. Zur Not an der eigenen Substanz 😉
„bis auf die Knochen…„, Intervention, Tusche, 2012
entstanden anlässlich der Ausstellung „Zwischenspiel“
„Als Problembär werden im deutschen Sprachraum Bären bezeichnet, die meist nicht artgerechte Verhaltensmuster aufweisen. Problembären sind regelmäßig nur eine indirekte Gefährdung für Menschen, produzieren durch ihr Verhalten aber oft erhebliche Schäden.“ aus Wikipedia >>
Weitere Infos zur Ausstellung hier>>
Aufgrund eine freundlichen Spende durch / Irene Walz werden wir nun den Problembär einige Zeit länger artgerecht halten können. Vielen Dank hierfür… 😉
Fotos von Konstantin Preisigke & Christian Ulrich