Archiv der Kategorie: glitch

Glitching Ansel Adams

I have been a fan of Ansel Adams since my early childhood. I remember very clearly when my father (a part time photographer) showed me „Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico„. I was hypnotized, dazzled by Adam’s usage of light, perspective and his incomparable intuition for the vastness of being. Later on, when I heard the story behind the making of that image, I fell in love even more with his mastership of the art of photography. The story behind this image makes it even more remarkable – you can read more about the making of this über-snapshot here

Later, when I saw an exhibition of his photos here in Berlin, it left me deeply unsatisfied and made me realize the importance of vintage prints, for these (exhibited) prints tore this very picture and others apart to a point beyond belief & recognition. It made me realize again, that shooting a picture is only half the art of a photographer.

„Glitching Ansel Adams“, glitch, 2014

„Glitching Anselm Adams“ is my way to pay homage to this exceptional artist. These glitches are based on his work in the Manzanar War Relocation Center (a Japanese American internment camp) where he did a photographic essay. They where taken from this article.

To all of those who are interested in learning more about the man and his work, there is a beautiful PBS documentary called „The American Experience: Ansel Adams – A Documentary Film“ (google & youtube it if you like, it is easy to find).

border-traffic – part ii (DOGS V)


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„border-traffic part ii – DOGS V“  was shot on the border of Germany and Poland near Szczecin on a (pretty cold) road lined by prostitutes. It is the fifth film of a series specially dealing in relational miscommunication called DOGS. Part 1-4 of the series are available on this site.

post privacy art #5

„before the fuck“, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012-2013

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
„before the fuck“ is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‚the market‘.

Vernissage – The code is cold – 18.10.2013

Berlin-Biesdorf, Vernissage "the code is cold", Oktober 2013

Yola Icho, Enkidu rankX & Minna Partanen performing „The code is cold – manifesto“ live @ Krankenhauskirche Wuhletal. More pictures by Sulamith Sallmann are to be found here >>

Upcomming events: guided tour – 25th @ 14:00 & 31st @ 16:00
GLITCH / der Fehler im System als Saat der Kreativität
Discussion and Narrativ (StoryNetWork ‘Overluminated’)
with Enkidu rankX (artist), Pippa Chase (philosopher and FEMEN activist), Rachel Clarke (storyteller & theater activist)

Showing: The code is cold


Vernissage: Fri. 18th October 2013 at 19:00

Introduction: Stephen Taylor
“the code goes live” – Performance with Enkidu rankX, Minna Partanen & Yola Icho

Venue: Krankenhauskirche im Wuhlgarten
Opening hours 14:00 – 17:00

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Come in great numbers…

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Krankenhauskirche Wuhlgarten auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

post privacy art #4

„before the fuck“ II, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012-2013

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
„before the fuck“ is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‚the market‘.

See here for the first part of the series >>


Emerson Gallery Berlin presents: HEADS WILL ROLL

An evening with selected short films by Richard Sylvarnes.


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With live music accompagnement by
Klaus Killisch (
Enkidu Rankx (
Richard Sylvarnes (

(c) Sulamith Sallmann

(c) Sulamith Sallmann

Emerson Gallery Berlin
27.09.2013 – 19h00
Schiffbauerdamm 19
10117 Berlin


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