Archiv der Kategorie: glitch

Dont let yourself be fooled…

I am quiet busy with my project / exhibition. Now is the time to swing the public relational hammer indeed! So be prepared to be massively advertised and properly informed about Da Product.


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Now is the time to poor in monney and support and help this WONDERFUL artwrk of MINE to live 😉

the code is cold | trailer #2


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code poetry


RANKX-Funktion (DAX): RANKX(<table>, <expression>[, <value>[, <order>[, <ties>]]])
Proving rank(℘(x))=rank(x)+
Enderton defines the rank of a set A to be the least ordinal α such that A⊆Vα (equivalently, A∈Vα+). He the derives the following identity: rank(A)=⋃{(rank(x))+:x∈A} for all sets A.
In Exercise 30 of Chapter 7, the reader is asked to prove several identities involving rank. For instance, that rank{a,b}=max(rank(a),rank(b))+. I am having trouble proving the second identity, that rank(℘(x))=rank(x)+ for all sets x. I am not sure whether I am missing some elementary identity that would let me prove the identity, or whether I am misunderstanding the definition of rank.
Clearly, z∈rank(℘(x))⇔(∃y)(y⊆x∧(z∈rank(y)∨z=rank(y)). On the other hand z∈(rank(x))+⇔(∃y)(y∈x∧z∈(rank(y))+)∨z=rank(x). I'm not sure why the first statement should imply the second, and conversely, however.
>> elementary-set-theory

Now isn’t that poetic…

post privacy art #2

„before the fuck“, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012-2013

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
„before the fuck“ is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‚the market‘.