Archiv der Kategorie: media

BGR.rad – Radio Play on actual Radio (air play)

UPDATE You can now listen to the whole show right here and now… enjoy

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Well my friends (and foes, if only I had some), the time has come and my Radio Play about radiation will finally art over actual radio waves on Friday the 15th of April. This seems fitting since it is about war (particularly in Ukraine), nuclear radiation, nuclear war and paranoia (proliferated over radio waves). And pardon me for playing Cassandra but the thing backdates to 2015, when I was just a fear mongering paranoic with too many drugs in my system. I would have preferred to remain wrong and crazy but it seems history has caught up with me and my reality and decided to become even crazier than I was back then.

Photo by Sulamith Sallmann: France, Normandy, Flamanville, August 2015

So happy listening to DJ Richard Sylvarnes and him donating his whole show to my play. It might have some uncomfortable side effects though, like hair loss, vomiting, disorientation, and a general despair and total loss of hope in humanity. Listener discretion is advised.

„inside/outside“ review on Film International

Film International did a review of one of my clips, let me share it with you:

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I am quiet touched by this, it nailed my intentions right to the spot… Thank you David Finkelstein and Film International for taking the time 😉

„black float“ by K|X – new music video clip

A retro-punk-glitch-art music video clip by Killisch and rankX


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black float

black float” is a collaboration, a back and forth between Berlin artists Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX.
Starting with a guitar track provided by Killisch, rankX built a beat around it, resampled and restructured it. Then this same process began anew. Killisch would play additional guitar on the track, X would resample and rearrange. Finally with the finished track in mind, K provided a painting / collage that in turn was the aesthetical basis for the video-clip. As opposed to the music, the visual art remained separate, more to be seen as both sides of a mirror.
The city of London was chose for a very particular reason, since K. K. as well as r.X draw a great deal of inspiration from pop music, more precisely the era of classic rock-pop-blues-funk-soul-electronic-avant-garde. So to honour this vibrant city and all the creative greatness it bestowed upon us, here is:

black float by K|X

"black float" by Klaus Killisch

„black float“ by Klaus Killisch

painting | collage | guitar: Klaus Killisch
video-art | electronics: Enkidu rankX

„black float“ features „Real-time Cycle Ride Through Central London“ by Nick Lansley und CC-BY. Thanks for that perfect ride.
london landscape tv –

CC by-nc-sa 2016 |

workin‘ again

Paper, acrylic, pigments and ink. My favourites…

Artist in action

Berlin-Wedding, Juli 2015 © Sulamith Sallmann

Artist in action

Berlin-Wedding, Juli 2015 © Sulamith Sallmann

venus3005 – gif animation gone large


“venus3005 (her_face_006)”, gif-ani glitch 4th°, 800x800px, 2015

„Marilyn moments“; a lot of girls and women on porn channels and in streaming services perform them regularly, it is a kind of routine – I believe – that seems to work on many a man… That perfectly artificial mix of innocent candidness and sexual lust has fascinated and inspired countless artists. And so this is a double homage, this unknown Norma Jean portrayed by this unknown Warhola that is me 😉  „venus3005 (her_face_006)“ is part of the glitch porn art series “Her_Face”. Read more about this series here >>


In wake of #Germanwings flight #4U9525 crash I was baffled, as many, with the way modern day mass media dealt with the issue of depicting something that is not depictable. Besides the crash site in those remote mountains there is actually nothing to see. This catastrophe happens inside our heads, with no means for us to exorcise it by means of monotonous repetition of images as seen during 9/11. Here, we just have a result but no actual event. Even more so, that the main switch was flicked inside the brain of the 2nd pilot. There is no way whatsoever we will get inside his or any other human brain for that matter. This will always remain a mystery.

anonymise me I

anonymise me I (2015)

anonymise me I

anonymise me II (2015)

anonymise me III

anonymise me III (2015)

A clear need seems to be to show the man’s face, as if it could help us to understand his motives, his personality, his soul. Yet in some cases journalistic requirements breed strange results. How to show someone without showing him…

twitter based call to action for net art


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You can participate in my new piece of art. Add your input via Twitter or facebook or commentary section. Thank you for participating. The Result will be an open source net art piece, to be shown here and in an exhibition in Berlin later this year.


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