Archiv der Kategorie: tweet

my twitter tweets

New stuff on the Way – I hope

In light of the production of my new radio play, I have a collaborative call to action. Respond if you like…

N-TV Interview

I wanna be famous / put me on TV
It doesn’t really matter / what for it will be (MK_ultra)

N-TV Interview

let me be vain 4 a sec… Interview with me, myself and I on german news TV
Interview mit Enkidu rankX auf N-TV – glimpflich verlaufen, wie ich finde

Link >> (temporary, sorry – permanent coming soon)

pure randomness

this post will never be the same again… try it: reload!

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thanx to RANDOM.ORG | This work is part of the „140baɪtz“ series. It consists of 7×20=140 characters and is therefore tweetable as is. Persons that can make out a word (proven by screen-shot – min 3 character) will get a mention / repost.

Twitter killed the TV star

Looking at classic mass media, it looks like they are at least 2h behind when it comes to news like the Tsunami or Fukushima. This work of mine is dealing with this subject…


Tsunami_01, 2011, C-print, 4000 x 2500 pixel

Tsunami_01 uses Twitter tweets including the word „Tsunami“ around the time of the Japan catastrophe.

This work is part of the „Catastrophe (Multicolor, Smell-O-Rama)“ series. See digital art…

Wittgenstein vs. Twitter

Wittgenstein in Mouseton

Wittgenstein in Mouseton 1930

3 tweets on Wittgenstein.

The limits of my language are the limits of my world. (Wittgenstein)

There is no private language. (see the private-language argument after Wittgenstein)

As a consequence, there is no private world. For the privacy of my language is one of its limits.
My world is limited to any sort of public.

more Info on Wittgenstein here

I’m open for discussion, of course. 😉

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140 characters…

This is the start of a series of tries (and errors) to create art within the limitations of 140 characters / Twitter / SMS. Follow the project on Twitter >>

140 characters, that is 140 bytes, makes 1120 bits. In a matrix, that would mean a field of 33 by 34 dots. But where is the meaning in this?“

twittered 4th of may 2010

