Schlagwort-Archive: Glitch

hamster in a nightshirt

Krecek v nocni kosili

from: „Krecek v nocni kosili, CZ 1988“ (Hamster in a Nightshirt), tv-glitch – 1st grade, 2012

(found by Sulamith Sallmann)

Proposal for a terminology; hierarchy of glitch:

  • 1st grade: found glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 2nd grade: found glitch, adapted, edited or changed
  • 3rd grade: induced glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 4th grade: induced glitch, adapted, edited or changed
  • 5th grade (maybe over the top): 4th grade reglitched

Am I onto something or has this already been done?

More nuclear glitch – Fukushima Daiichi pixel implosion

What is the glitch… die nature glitch on Fukushima Daiichi. Was it human error, a force of nature, act of god. The catastrophe is ours anyway. When I think of this could happen again and again and again… makes me sick to my stomach. Even more so part of my family lives a few miles away from 3 reactors and a nuclear re treatment facility.


Daiichi, 2010, glitched areal photo of Fukushima

Tokyo, we have a problem…


Fukushima_Glitch, gif animation, 2011

TEPCO, do you read? +++ There is a glitch in the system.
+++ Do you read? +++ over +++

Today’s web-cam image of the „troubled nuclear power plant Dai-Ichi in Fukushima“ (quote NHK) glitched with various software.