Schlagwort-Archive: information

hamster in a nightshirt

Krecek v nocni kosili

from: „Krecek v nocni kosili, CZ 1988“ (Hamster in a Nightshirt), tv-glitch – 1st grade, 2012

(found by Sulamith Sallmann)

Proposal for a terminology; hierarchy of glitch:

  • 1st grade: found glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 2nd grade: found glitch, adapted, edited or changed
  • 3rd grade: induced glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 4th grade: induced glitch, adapted, edited or changed
  • 5th grade (maybe over the top): 4th grade reglitched

Am I onto something or has this already been done?

new text stuff

text headerSorry this is only news for my German friends: I have added some text on this page. More will follow soon. The concept of „And what happens after…“ has an English translation though. More will follow soon…

Auf dieser Seite gibt es jetzt auch was zu lesen: Konzepte, Kommentare, Essays. Feedback ist ausdrücklich erwünscht 😉

PS.: There is more English stuff in there new; check it out…