Schlagwort-Archive: RE.flexion

RE.flexion in Potsdam, Gelsenkirchen and Ludwigshafen

Mio & Robozee @work

Mio & Robozee @work - RE.flexion

We have shown our piece „RE.flexion“ by ANIMATRONIK with Prince Mio, Robozee and myself @ the following places:

  • Reithalle A – Potsdam (link)
  • Consoltheater Gelsenkirchen (link)
  • Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen (link) during the Long Nights of the Arts (Lange Nacht der Museen)

It was great fun 😉 We will also be performing „RE.flexion“ & „And what happens after…“ during the „Tanztage Dresden“ – dates will follow.

UPDATE: lucky for Julio, unlucky for us, he will not be able to go to Dresden. So only RE.flexion there, sorry.

But here are the dates:

20th and 21st of April @ 21:oo

CANCELLED!!! sorry…

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Videodoc: Prince Mio, Robozee & Enkidu rankX @ Fabrik Potsdam

ANIMATRONIK presents: re.FLEXION: Prince Mio, Robozee & Enkidu rankX @ Fabrik Potsdam with Oxymoron Dance Company & Friends. This is a short recut of the piece we heve been workin‘ on this summer…
Hope you like it. Please share 😉

Mio, Robozee, Enkidu @ Fabrik / Waschhaus

So it is done… and was fun 😉 Here are some samples of what we did @ Fabrik Potsdam:

A video documentation will follow shortly (I hope). Thanx to all who have helped and supported. All photos (c) Sulamith Sallmann.

in Weimar with Price Mio and Louise Wagner

We went to Weimar and took a very decent part in the background of the opening of the exhibition „Weimar 1919 – Chancen einer Republik„. It was fun, sadly there’s no documentation, so you have to take my word for it 😉
I worked there with Prince Mio and Louise Wagner, they where dancing and I installed an interactive video projection for/on them.

Weimar 1919

Weimar 1919 - Chancen einer Republik