Schlagwort-Archive: tanz

5 Degrees Of Separation – Premiere @ Pottporus Festival

5 Degrees Of Separation by KooneCompany

Weitere Bilder und Infos zur Premiere hier >>

„As KooneCompany was chosen by the Goethe Institut Montreal for their Dance Residency Programm in summer 2011, we created the 1 hour length piece: „5 Degrees Of Separation“ .
After the good work in Montreal we take the next step and show the premiere of the piece on the 3rd of november in Herne at the Kulturzentrum Herne… The premiere will be part of the well known „Pottporus Festival“ initiated by Pottporus e.V. / Renegade Theatre .“


Und hier das ursprüngliche Konzept von uns >>

Tanzlabor Montréal 2011

Five Degrees of Separation

It was a great success / ein großer Erfolg.

„In Montréal entwickelte Kuhnert gemeinsam mit den Tänzern Christian Garmatter, Raphael Hillebrand und Youngung Kim aka B-Boy Jaekwon sowie der kanadischen Tänzerin Marie-Ève Quilicot seine erste für eine breitere Öffentlichkeit bestimmte Choreographie. In „Five Degrees of Separation“ setzt er sich mit Wendepunkten menschlicher Beziehungen auseinander: Wen betrachten wir als Freund, als Liebhaber, als Feind? Und warum? Mechtild Manus, Sprecherin der Jury und Leiterin des Goethe-Instituts in Montréal, überzeugt vor allem Kuhnerts Einsatz „von Video als Ausgangspunkt der Recherche, die Beteiligung des Medienkünstlers Enkidu rankX und die poetische Verbindung von Break Dance und zeitgenössischem Tanz.“

Die Uraufführung ist für den 3. November 2011 in Herne beim Pottporus Festival geplant. (link) >>

Webpage Goethe Institut (link zum vollen Text hier >>)

What happens after…

…Kooné is en route to Montreal 4 producing our new piece. So this is the occasion to remember our previous collaboration on „And what happens after“. So here is some stuff about it:

Julio Cesar Iglesias in "what happens after"

„And what happens after“
Potsdam, T-werk

Julio Cesar Iglesias in "what happens after" 2

Dezember 2009

dance: Julio Cesar Iglesias Ungo  &  Joy Christine Alpuerto Ritter
choreography: Denis Kooné Kuhnert
dramaturgy & video: Enkidu rankX
foto: Sulamith Sallmann

Video after the break…


RE.flexion in Potsdam, Gelsenkirchen and Ludwigshafen

Mio & Robozee @work

Mio & Robozee @work - RE.flexion

We have shown our piece „RE.flexion“ by ANIMATRONIK with Prince Mio, Robozee and myself @ the following places:

  • Reithalle A – Potsdam (link)
  • Consoltheater Gelsenkirchen (link)
  • Wilhelm-Hack-Museum Ludwigshafen (link) during the Long Nights of the Arts (Lange Nacht der Museen)

It was great fun 😉 We will also be performing „RE.flexion“ & „And what happens after…“ during the „Tanztage Dresden“ – dates will follow.

UPDATE: lucky for Julio, unlucky for us, he will not be able to go to Dresden. So only RE.flexion there, sorry.

But here are the dates:

20th and 21st of April @ 21:oo

CANCELLED!!! sorry…

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Videodoc: Prince Mio, Robozee & Enkidu rankX @ Fabrik Potsdam

ANIMATRONIK presents: re.FLEXION: Prince Mio, Robozee & Enkidu rankX @ Fabrik Potsdam with Oxymoron Dance Company & Friends. This is a short recut of the piece we heve been workin‘ on this summer…
Hope you like it. Please share 😉

Enkidu with Kooné, Julio Cesar Iglesias & Joy Ritter @ Pottporus

Had some great fun and learned a lot in Herne & Wuppertal @ Pottporus festival. Did some scenography for Kooné’s piece „And what happen after…“. Glorious dancers to: Julio Cesar Iglesias & Joy Ritte where a pure delight. Hope to be working with all of them again soon. (Show will be done probably on the 11th or/and 12th of Dec. 09 in Potsdam – Fabrik / Waschhaus. See you there, if you like.

Pottporus Festival Flyer

Pottporus Festival Flyer 2009

in Weimar with Price Mio and Louise Wagner

We went to Weimar and took a very decent part in the background of the opening of the exhibition „Weimar 1919 – Chancen einer Republik„. It was fun, sadly there’s no documentation, so you have to take my word for it 😉
I worked there with Prince Mio and Louise Wagner, they where dancing and I installed an interactive video projection for/on them.

Weimar 1919

Weimar 1919 - Chancen einer Republik